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Taking out the bulk


Meet Sage. The daughter of ex-New Yorkers that moved to the Ozarks to get back to the land, Sage is a DIY-er in the truest most practical sense.

She met her husband in the fine arts show circuit and they began designing and binding books together.


When they got pregnant with Ari, they decided to settle back into the Ozarks on their urban homestead. Besides the garden, the chickens, the slaughtering and weeding, the canning and putting up, the baking, the parenting, the hostessing, the tamale and soup preparing and doorstep delivery, Sage is the owner, designer and creator of a line of rediculously cool upcycled childrens clothing, Cuddle fish Clothes.

With all this on her plate, Sage’s hair is often left on the back burner. She does not have time, or much interest in fixing it. Her hair M.O. is generally grow it out, shave it, repeat.

Her hair is gorgeous. Thick, lusterous, dark, curly, low maintainance. When I showed up to cut her hair, we decided that it needed a bit of a trim and shaping up, and because she wears it up always, bangs seemed appropriate to add a little drama and style to her look. And then, we talked about the bulk of it. The heaviness of it. The shear thickness of it. Then, we headed to the greenhouse to start cutting.

I’m going to use hair as a metaphor for life here. When your hair is heavy and thick, it weighs you down. It no longer has the freedom to move freely. It feels trapped and stagnant. This is especially true with curls.

So, just like our lives, sometimes you need to trim the fat from the hair. Cut out what doesn’t need to be there to make room for the beauty and the freedom and the personality to shine through. This is precisely what I aim to do with Sage’s hair.

Here is a video of her quick trim.





Do you want to try it? You can now purchase a more in depth how-to video of this look in the HTHG video store right now!. Try it on yourself or a lucky someone else. Don’t forget to send HTHG a before and after picture!


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