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Art imitates life, life imitates nature.

I woke up this morning with an insatiable urge to do a pink color fade in my ends. That means not just one pink, but 2. A muted light cupcake pink with brighter, darker ends. I kept trying to ignore the urge, and then all of the sudden I found myself driving downtown to Vain, where I get my DIY special effects beauty supplies. Like a possessed bumble bee, I buzzed right to my colors. I couldn’t be stopped.

dip dyeAs I drove home, I asked myself why pink? why now? isn’t pink dip dye a passing phase of last year? As I turned off the highway into my neighborhood, it hit me. The trees are lined with cherry blossoms that practically jump off of the trees with brightness. Duh. Art imitates life, life imitates nature. I got to thinking of all of the nature-inspired hair over-hauls I have done in my life. I think my favorite creations are directly inspired by the natural world around me.

So, I made lunch for me and baby Selah who is 2. She played with beads while I dip dyed my ends using this technique. We sat outside in the soft spring air while my color processed. I could smell the camellias from the bush next door. Bee’s buzzed from flower to flower. I feel more natural now with pink hair than I did without and artThis is my hair today, the star pattern color in green, crazy birdlike foil panels, rose-bud bridal up-do, and blue color-fade.

 There is no fashion magazine, blog, or pinterest page that brings me as near as much creative inspiration as a walk through the woods or a sit in the garden. That is the real deal. Happy Spring, everyone.


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