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Game of Thrones hair

GoT Hairstyle CollageHere is another fabulous guest post from beauty writer Marcela De Vivo. I was excited when she pitched it to me because I had just been at the Oregon Country Fair and had met and watched the amazing Raychel Emmons braiding intricate renaissance hairstyles in the fashion of Game of Thrones. It inspired me to become a better braider, and to watch Game Of Thrones. Sometimes it takes me a while to catch on to trends, but I promise to start watching, for the sake of great hair. Do you watch Game of Thrones? Whats your opinion?

Game of Thrones Hairstyles

This one’s for all the people who get hair inspiration through their favorite TV shows. Hair has long been an extension of a character’s personality—and whether the persona is sassy, fun, down-to-earth, or badass, we’ve all wanted at one point or another to capture a piece of that identity through our hair. The Farrah, the Rachel, the Felicity (kidding!) have led hundreds, or possibly thousands, of women to their stylist’s chair with the command: “I want to look like this!” Healthy hair plus attitude equals icon status.

The Game of Thrones, HBO’s latest fantasy show (and addiction for many), showcases the power and cunning of many lovely ladies. This being HBO, the hair and makeup are to-die-for. The elaborate braids, half updos, and occasional wig that show up during the dramatic scenes makes us alternate between being caught up the storyline and wanting to know what happens next, and wanting to watch each scene frame-by-frame so we can get a better idea of just how to recreate the hair we see on screen.

This lovely and detailed infographic from gives you the low-down on how to DIY the hairstyles of the kickass ladies from the Game of Thrones. The popular show may be but a fantasy, but these elegant braids are something you can make a reality.

Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer in California whose writing covers health, skin and hair care. To keep her hair moisturized and glamorous during the summer, she follows these tips. Find more tips like these by following her on Twitter and Facebook.

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