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ShamPHree Launch….Ease and inspiration for your no-poo routine

IMG_8096Hi Babes! It is official…… ShamPHree has launched! The HTHG ShamPHree shop is fully stocked with kits and products to bring ease and beauty to your no-poo routine.

Almost 2 years ago, I started my ShamPHree journey. It began withno-poo and spray bottles and curiosity and messy experimentation. And great hair.

Then, there was a name change. ShamPHree just sounded so much nicer. Then came peri-bottles for easier application. Then coconut oil. Then Liquid Gold Hair Butter. And still great hair.

A conversation began here at HTHG. What is the recipe? How do you apply it? ShamPHree for different hair types, troubleshooting your routine, ShamPHree and color treated hair, and the science behind the method.

Then, I started to hear your ShamPHree testimonial. Your stories of ditching commercial hair products and going ShamPHree inspired something big for me as a hairdresser and a hair blogger. I started to see that ShamPHree is bigger than just a hair-care routine. It is about self honor, independent thinking, and positive and empowered life choices. And, great hair.

The only hitch? The ShamPHree routine seems a little inconvenient for those of you who are used to a clean, easy, sudsy-ness of your basic Shampoo and Conditioner. There had to be a simple, user friendly and fun to use system to make ShamPHree more accessible.

Ladies and G’s………. Along with the help of product developer Jenny M, sounding board Jonathan Mobley, designer Nikki J, artists Jose Barajas and Jesse Brown, regional organics distributer Azure Standard, local printing company Richmark Label, a bevy of willing and eager product testers, and my close friends and family, I present to you….

The entire ShamPHree line


7U6A04447U6A6434IMG_97052 lovely Scent blends. A deep conditioning and moisturizing treatment, Infused Beauty vinegar. Silicone-free shine drops and heat protection. Dry ShamPHree hair powder. Dead Sea texture wave and braid spray.

And the ShamPHree kit, with organic, raw ACV, aluminum free BS, easy to use mixing and applying bottles, a perfect fit funnel, a measuring scoop, and a full quick-start guide.

My goal with ShamPHree is to inspire those around me to love their own unique hair and to make positive and empowered life choices. I am so thrilled to share this with all of you.

Today, I ask you to do me a favor. Free your Friends. They will thank you. Please share this post with your friends and family. Introduce them to an idea that might change their lives for the better.Screen Shot 2014-01-22 at 1.07.30 PM

Subscribe to HTHG to have access to a bevy of upcoming ShamPHree giveaways as well as tips and tricks to make your hair journey even better.

Thank you for being a part of HTHG, everyone. Couldn’t do it without you.

HTHG join the hair party.

Faithfully and excitedly yours, HTHG


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