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Vikings, Viking hair and the Vikey-tail

Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 3.34.13 PMSo I finally started watching Game of Thrones, after much pressure from my friends and readers. Mostly, I started watching it because I heard that the hair was cool in it. But soon, I was hooked on the scenery, costumes, the non-stop drama, the hair, the steamy sex scenes, and the dwarf. Yes, that’s right. We made it through season 2 and then guess what?! Season 3 is not available yet on Amazon Prime.

So my husband and I spent the next week hanging in space, not knowing how to spend our nightly hours together. Then, my friend Jules suggested that we watch Vikings to fill the void. She swore it was better than G.O.T. And being of Scandinavian descent, I was all like “Yah. Let’s do it”

We started watching it and got 3 episodes in and here is my analysis…….It is a low-budget G.O.T., with weak character development, a boring story line, a predictable plot, bad acting, and some really nice wild-man eye candy. So yah, I get it.

Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 3.35.21 PM Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 3.35.09 PMAccording to the show Vikings, viking hair was kinda funny. Men had either short hair, shaved clean in the back half or long hair shaved on the sides and arranged into a strange kind of tail that I can only describe as a “vikey-tail” or a “vikey-pone” if you will. You choose.

Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 3.37.30 PM Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 3.37.03 PMWomen had interestingly braided and twisted hair, slightly less polished than the regal ladies of G.O.T.

I decided to try my hand at vikey-styling. So, In honor of the Vikings of our past, I bring you today a hairstyle called the lady vikey-tail.

Lady Vikey Tail



1. Take a section of hair from each side, just above each ear at the front hairline. Join them together at the back of the head with a small elastic.


2. Flip the ponytail up, over, and through, topsy-tail style. Flip it once more (twice total.)


3. Take another small section from each side below the first two sections. Join them in the back with an elastic.


4. Topsy tail twice, and then tighten the twist by splitting the tail into 2 and pulling the pieces apart.


5. Take another two sections of hair from each side and join them in the back.


6. Topsy tail twice, and tighten.


7. Take two last sections from below the last ones. Join them together.


8. Topsy tail twice, and tighten.


You are now officially ready to storm Valhalla with the strength of Oden and the wits of Loki. I want to see you rock a Lady Vike-y Tail.



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