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Invitation to see Insta-hair on HTHG’s Instagram.

Screen Shot 2014-02-01 at 12.05.18 PM Screen Shot 2014-02-01 at 12.05.04 PMScreen Shot 2014-02-01 at 12.04.47 PMScreen Shot 2014-02-01 at 12.04.24 PMScreen Shot 2014-02-01 at 12.05.46 PMHi babes. I wanted to take a minute to invite you all personally to join me on Instagram. Of all the social media platforms, Instagram is my most favorite and I have a total ball posting hair photos, ShamPHree inspiration, family photos, and personal photos from my life that inspire me that I think will inspire you. When I am not blogging at HTHG, you can always find me sharing my favorite things on Instagram. Please, do join the party:) I’m @howtohairgirl.

Also, I want to see your DIY hair and ShamPHree hair so use #shamphree and #hthg to share with us and I will probably repost you. Also, check out the hashtag of my heart and soul here.

xoxoxoxoxox HTHG

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