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You know how you can use the same shampoo and conditioner for 6 months and love it and then all the sudden, it just stops working? Is your hair greasy on the top, dry on the ends, and you feel like you are a slave to to the cycle of shampooing and conditioning it because it’s just not acting right? Well, for the last month or so, I have had frizzy ends, greasy itchy scalp, and oily teenager hair. Gross. Something must be done.

I have been talking and listening for several years now about the no-poo method. I have a client who recently told me that she uses nothing but baking soda in her hair and on her teeth, as well as as an exfoliant for her skin. And her hair, skin and teeth look amazing. When she first came to me her fine thick hair felt dry and flyaway and never acted right. She was frusterated. Now, her hair is perfectly sleek and shiny and feels clean, her scalp is healthy, and she is content with it. Perfect hair homeostasis, and another step towards sustainable hair practices!

So as an experiment I have decided to put my money where my mouth is and no-poo for a month and see what all this talk is about. I will be using my paddle brush daily, and no-pooing twice a week for the first 2 weeks. Then, I will no-poo once a week for the last 2 weeks. I will chronicle my no-poo journey and share it with you all.

Day one- I no-poo-ed yesterday. I put a tablespoon of aluminum free baking soda in an 8 oz bottle of water and shook it up. I thoroughly sprayed it into my scalp, then paddle brushed it through. I let it sit for 5 minutes then rinsed it out. I air dried it. ( I don’t use heat in my hair) It felt great, but it looked confused like a dog looks after you take it to the groomer.

I have heard that it takes a couple weeks for your hair to adjust to no-poo. If this is true, than I’m off to a fantastic start because today my hair looks amazing, feels clean, is full and shiny, and has a very even feel ( Healthy scalp and roots, happy soft ends.) It doesn’t feel too clean, but it’s definitely not greasy at all. And there is something downright vibrant about it, like it’s been de-gunked. Two thumbs way up so far.


Stay tuned!