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Screen Shot 2014-06-14 at 6.40.49 PMFirst off, fuck cancer. There, I said it. The upside though, of dying of cancer is the prolonged downpour of love and support that comes with that personal, drawn out fight for life.

(all photos courtesy of the betsyscancer.tumblr) Screen Shot 2014-06-14 at 6.40.28 PM

For those lucky enough to have partners, friends, and family that absolutely love and adore them and fight with them throughout their battle, the experience is about the highest form of REALLY LIVING LIFE there can be. Which is so beautiful and rich and real.

This is how I feel, having experienced this battle as a loved-one supporter too many times than I am comfortable with. And it makes me want to appreciate every little drop with every loved one on this earth.

I write this post today to pay fucking tribute to a really really great woman, friend, and hairdresser that I had the pleasure of working with my first several years at Vain.

I am going to keep it short. In the words of Derek Zoolander, I am not a eugooglizer.
I want to tell the whole story as I saw it from beginning to end. From working with Betsy Hansen, learning to do hair from her, laughing with her, going to hear her band play (Blank-its) to parting ways, losing touch, thinking of her every time I wore her band t-shirt, hearing the news of her diagnosis of stage 4 colon cancer, following her progress and journey with her incredible husband Jonny through their tumblr site, thinking of her every time I did a star pattern cut or color, every time I taught or demonstrated a ponytail cut or color technique, every time I blew a fart away with my blowdryer (She taught me all these things.)

Screen Shot 2014-06-14 at 6.40.17 PMI will think of Betsy always, fondly, with a smile. I will think of her when I see a great swingy shag haircut that looks like it is moving even when it isn’t. And when I see red hair in 3 shades, copper, apricot, and dark cool russet. When we worked together, those were her colors. And when I see amazing color-block work. I will think of her when I look at the sweet painting she did for my daughter Marley when she was born.

I want to extend my love and gratitude to her husband Jonny who adored her from the get-go and loved and cared for her for every minute of the 10 years and 1 day they spent together. And to her family, and to her friends, and to her clients and colleagues and everyone who had the pleasure of knowing.

RIP Bets. You fought hard, harder than most of us could ever imagine. Give em hell up there.

xoxo, Roxie Jane Hunt