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To begin with, props to all you dark, bushy haired women who decide to stop shaving. Let that forest grow back strong and healthy! Power to the pit. #freeyourpits

Here is a submission from Jennifer in Austin.

Screen Shot 2015-06-01 at 11.54.43 AMTo tell the truth, I found this posting because I was researching various shades of blue hair. I was so happy to see aqua pit hair that I had to rejoice with you all. As a deeply Italian American woman I rarely felt comfortable with the amount of hair my body chose to sprout and was always attempting to shape-shift into some hairless silken creature. It was when I turned 19 that I became drawn to letting my pit hair grow out because honestly a little voice inside of me made the suggestion and it sounded sincere. I continued to remain hairy pitted without thought and even carried it into the first couple years of living in my new home Los Angeles but at some point I just cracked under the social pressure there (I wanted to blame the city, but she told me that I was just being weak 🙂 in a stereotypical way and started not only shaving but constantly working about my face value in all areas. I had gained about 50 pounds and lost all of my jobs. I could have fought upstream like a freezing cold Salmon would but instead I just did a rag doll flop into the current.

NOW. I live in Austin and my brain is starting to appreciate life again. I was still shaving my pits until a few weeks ago when I heard a little voice again (some say I’m crazy, but I think it’s faeries) directing me to put down the razor. Well not completely because for some reason I still shave my legs. Not often but I did today and now they itch like crazy. Not sure why this all happens but I know there is a stronger force beneath it all. This post helped me to understand that I am reclaiming my own image, slowly but surely and I am really grateful for that.

Thank you very much for your contribution to the revolution. xo