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Peek-a-boo color- using the star pattern

To begin with, never underestimate the power of great haircare to support your DIY Color. Here is what works best for me: I like simple and no fuss, and no stripping, to keep that color bright.- My favorite 4 tools/products are Hairstory Studio New Wash and Balm for that not-too clean natural finish- I use New Wash about once every week to 2 weeks instead of Shampoo- It is creamy, non lather, smells great, and leaves nothing heavy behind. I love the Hairstory Balm for finishing my curls once they are dry- it adds a little soft texture and tames the wildness just enough.

Once a month, I LOVE Hui Hui Essentials Growth Oil for a scalp treatment to encourage growth, and I use my FREE YOUR HAIR Brush every day. And I especially use it with after I apply my Hui Hui Oil ( on the full moon!) and YES, my hair grows way freaking faster than before. With these rituals, ( you know I love my beauty rituals!) and a seasonal trim, my hair is in excellent shape with very minimal to absolutely no styling. Just pleasurable, holistic haircare that feels great and works well.

I define peek-a-boo hair color as little hints or pops of color that jump out of the hair at random. It is a coloring process that is awesome for people who want to try out a new color without going to dramatic or committing too much. It is great because the placement of the foils make for a very easy grow out. No roots, just a little color in the ends.

There are many different ways to go about getting the look. My favorite method is called the star pattern. Something about the jagged points of a star make for very well distributed, textural color that falls all around the head in a totally random uniformity. It can be done with any color, highlights, or low lights. I personally love using this technique on people who are wanting a little bit of very vivid color. You get a lot of bang for your buck.


Basically, to do this method, you will section out a 5 point star on top of the head, and outline the whole thing in foils containing the color/s of your choice. It will be 10 foils total, one for each side of each point. You can use sliced or woven foils, or even back to back foils of different colors. I have done a double-outlined star using a bright color and then a very dark color under it, with incredible results.

This look was a star outlined in bleached sliced foils, then I went back over them with Fishbowl blue. The hard part was after the bleaching, when I had to go back and cover the same pieces with the blue. I would recommend using single process color for this method.

Please email me any questions you might have about this technique, and If you try it, tell us how it goes!

Here is one of my favorite recent star pattern color jobs….Very PNW inspired. (That’s Pacific North West, if ya don’t know. Or PacNorDub if you will)


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