The Blood Spiral Initiation



Blood Spiral Initiation : Begins October 13th 2024- All meetings and videos will be recorded and accessible. 

On your Blood Spiral Initiation Journey, You will be FULLY guided, mentored and initiated through a 6 month process by me, Roxie Jane Hunt with the support + witnessing of a vibrant community of powerful bleeding women who are on this life-changing journey with you. We will meet live via zoom 3 times, and you will watch 4 pre-recorded videos at your pace. You will learn how to track yourself daily to understand your own patterns, seasons and power times, and later create a Spiral Map which represents the truth of who you are based on the wisdom of your blood cycle. Your daily tracking will be supported by live mentorship and Q+A using a free app called Telegram which allows us to all track together on a Blood Spiral text thread.  

Your journey will be grounded in Self-noticing and tracking, a valuable lifeskill that will develop through this process. You will do this by tuning in to/noticing what’s alive and true for you on multiple levels of yourself, then journaling about what you notice every day- We call this part tracking, or gathering data, though collecting truth feels like a more accurate description. We will practice this together and refine our skills in our mentoring group on Telegram. 

 In Class 3, you will make your map based on the truth patterns you have collected. You will learn to engage with + live by this map as your daily oracle and it will guide you to a life of far more ease, flow and natural momentum personally, and relationally. 

Throughout this process, you will be prompted to notice, be challenged, push your edges, and engage in light, easy homework. 

*All tracking sheets, charts and map PDF’s Included in class material.

The Pace:

We will begin together with an orientation live on Zoom.

You will watch the videos in succession over the course of 4 months, video 1 first, then video 2 one month later, video 3 two months after that, and finally, video 4 1 month later. We will meet once again on zoom in the middle of our journey to do Q & A. 

We will end with a live zoom Initiation Ceremony to honor the work and wisdom together.


Example of pacing for pre-recorded videos: 

Class 1:  November 1st. 

Class 2: December 1st.

Class 3: Feb 1st.

Class 4: March  1st.

Class Descriptions: 

Class 1: Blood Spiral Container/ Process.

In your first class, you will learn about why we call it a Spiral instead of a Cycle, you will understand the unique gifts of each season of your cycle and how to use them wisely, and how to use your Chakra System to frame yourself as multidimensional and gather rich data. You will begin your 3 month tracking journey. 

Class 2: Going Deeper

After the first month, we re-convene and you will learn ways to deepen your self-noticing skills and collect richer data/truth. You will learn about intuition, calling in your Archetypes to empower your monthly journey, and how to clarify your own needs and desires by looking at what’s true for you. 

Class 3: The Blood Spiral Map

In class 3, you will gather all the patterns from your tracking journey, and chart them. You will use your chart to create your Blood Spiral Map. You will learn the basics of getting started using +  living by your Map.

Class 4: Living your Spiral

This class is a deep dive into how to live by your map, using it as a calender oracle to help you plan life beautifully, how to use both linear and spiral time to bring time out of scarcity and back into abundance, how to live your spiral in your relationships, how to Spiral train your loved ones into right relation, how to appoint the sacred role of a Spiral Protector, and how to bleed outload and WHY it matters so much that we do. 

We end in celebration, in a new beginning- you are now on your own now to live your Spiral truth, and keep engaging, noticing and tracking new aspects of yourself as you feel the desire to. You enter a new, empowered way of living. You have been initiated. Once you go Spiral, you will never go back. Welcome to the Blood Spiral. 

You will also receive:

-The Blood Spiral E-Book

-A complete E-Book covering the basics of the Blood Spiral Journey.

-Class Materials

Class slides/notes/ printable PDFs for tracking, charting and mapping yourself. 




Tuning into the truth- giving myself permission to feel all the things without judgement, and discovering my patterns and a magical map that if I follow it, makes my life and the lives of those around me flow with more ease. 

– Rosemary, business coach and ritual facilitator

 Portland Oregon age 36

Blood Spiral Initiation is for you if you…..

  • Take care of other people’s needs constantly and feel yourself getting a little lost when it comes to knowing your own needs. And/or you know you have them, and you wish to clarify what they are so that you can get them met.
  • Have days every month that feel so good and powerful and right and easy, and you wish to learn how to best use them at will.
  • Have days that feel like conflict is inevitable, and you wish to move through these times with more ease, harnessing high-conflict moments to transform relationships.
  • Feel a constant scarcity of time and would love to feel that time is abundant.
  • Want to find your own monthly Power Days, and learn to use them wisely.
  • Strongly desire to feel like you can flow with the world around you instead of against it. And you’re beyond ready to stop contorting yourself to fit things that aren’t a good fit.
  • Wish to understand the unique power of every day and season of your cycle, way beyond just bleeding and ovulation.
  • Wish to relate to the world in ways that remind you constantly that every part of you belongs and that you are perfectly designed to be ever-changing. 
  • Desire guidance in understanding and working with your own cycle, by exploring the 4 phases and the unique qualities of Cave and Bloom, as well as the solstice and equinox / transition days of your cycle.
  • Are in chapter of your life of reclaiming your body and your sovereignty.
  • Are returning to your cycle post-partum or post hormonal birth control methods, and want to reestablish an incredible, deep and self-honoring relationship with your blood. 
  • Are ready to get really clear on your YES-s and NO-s.
  • Ready to explore and understand your own patterns better, and learn to use them at will to empower your  life.
  • Long to connect yourself to the earth, as the earth.
  • Are excited to understand and embrace the complexity, paradoxical and ever-changing nature of who you are.
  • Wish to bring more ritual into your life.
  • Long to bring more balance to the world through your body, bringing back the Matriarch to meet the Patriarchy and bring union and integration instead of conflict and dissolution.
  • Desire to participate in a scalable fractal of planetary repair.
  • Want to have a deeper understanding and relationship to supportive personal guides, symbols and archetypes that come to aid you throughout your cycle.
  • Want to empower non-bleeding people in your life to step up to honor and protect you in real and deeply generative ways.
  • Want to make a beautiful Spiral Map of yourself to be your daily guide and oracle.


“The Blood Spiral Initiation is a radical reclaiming of energy and time- learning to work with the natural momentum of my own energy and capacity through the seasons of my cycle- Planning life to fit around my everflowing truth, maximizing my own untapped super powers, asking for what I want and need, communicating truth, and resting into slowness in the right moments. This course will shift the way you live forever.”