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#DIYhair Friday: Low chapeau twisted bun

Photo on 11-14-12 at 11Do you have your grandmas old wonderful vintage hats and feathered chapeau stashed somewhere?

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It’s time to get them out of storage, dust them off, and rock them. This #DIYhair style is perfect paired with a chapeau. It is a low, soft intricate twisted bun.

I am currently reading a fascinating book called Hairstyles and fashion: A Hairdressers History of Paris by hair historian and my new found friend and mentor, Steven Zdatny. In the book, the author illustrates the tension between french milleners (hat makers) and hairdressers. The hat designers basically ruled the fashion and hair scene in Paris during the early 1900’s, and hairdressers were constantly at the mercy of the hat design du jour. If big hats were in fashion, hairdressers were basically out of work because the hair would be covered. If small hats are in fashion, than hairdressers have the freedom to design hairstyles around the hat. Today, HTHG has designed for you a little hairstyle that would surely please both hairdressers and milleners.

There is nothing like the feeling of a dainty hat and pretty hair. Give this pretty #DIYhair style a try with your favorite dusty chapeau.

Here is how to get this look…..

low chatp


Divide the hair into 3 sections.

Top of the head to behind each ear, and one big section in the back. Twist the back section into a low twist.

1.Wrap the twist into a bun and pin it into place.

2. Now take one side section and twist it.

3. Lay it over the top of the bun, and wrap the tail around the bun. Pin it into place so that it feels secure.

4. Twist the other side section.

5.Lay it over the top of the bun and wrap the tail around the bun, tucking it in and pinning it into place.

Now comb your bangs down, arrange your lady parts, and put on your hat. Use pins if you need to secure it.


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