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Everything you need for DIY haircuts

Its so simple. I’ve been doing hair for years and I still believe that all anyone needs to do any haircut under the sun is 3 things: A sharp pair of shears, a comb, and some clips. A spray bottle is also good to have around, and an old towel to protect your clothes. Most everything else, my dears, is a gimmick and not necessary.

Things like razors, thinning shears, special combs, blowdryers and styling tools are nice to have around but not by any means necessary. Thinning hair with a regular old pair of shears is much more fun anyways, and who wants to spend forever styling their hair?

If you have been paying attention to the words of Howtohairgirl, you know by now that I encourage finding the haircut and color that work for you and your hair without fighting it or trying to get it to submit to torture.

That being said, here are my faves………These shears
are your perfect starters.  All time favorite Comb is the Oster Original Finishing Comb. This comb is the godmother of hair cutting and styling combs. This is also available at

My personal pick for best sectioning clips are Salon Care Metal Duckbill Clips!!!!. All purpose, easy to use, perfect. All in all, you will spend between 30-55$ on all three things, depending if they are on sale or not. But these will be your tools for a lifetime of DIY hair cuts. Have some fun!

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