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Flowers and hair get married with beautiful results. Introducing Infused Beauty Vinegar!

7U6A9987 Hi dears. I am really really jazzed about a couple different things right now. The first thing is that I am officially Auntie Rox to baby Sebastian James Barajas (Bash for short.)

The next exciting thing is that Spring is upon us, and I am chock full of inspiration for pretty hair posts featuring FLOWERS. I’m obsessed with hair and flowers together. I’ve worn flowers in my hair since I was fresh out my mama and I will never stop. I posted about it a couple years ago and it seems that all of the sudden, flowers are an en vogue and acceptable everyday hair accessories.

IMG_8579And I’m not talking about flower crowns. I’m talking fresh wild flowers, picked off of bushes, worked into braids, buns, and pinned into the hair all willy nilly. Sometimes it takes the world a minute to catch on to the most obvious beauty statements.

IMG_8589Flowers, like hair, grow naturally wild and beautiful. Especially if you care for them. They are an organic manifestation of vitality. hair and flowers work together, magical things happen.

I have some exciting news about flowers and hair at HTHG. I have spent the last year experimenting with infusing flowers and herbs and using them in my hair. I have tried different combinations with different results. After some trial and triumph, I have achieved Total Babe Hair with the combination of my favorite beauty herbs and flowers infused in organic raw Apple Cider Vinegar.7U6A0474

Ladies and Gents, I present to you ShamPHree Infused Beauty Vinegar, an Infusion of ACV with chamomile, hibiscus, burdock, horsetail, peppermint, and lavender and essential oils of rose, orange, and sage.

For the hair……

vin4This powerful natural beauty remedy can be used in your ShamPHree routine for added shine, body, and strength in the hair. It is INCREDIBLE for curly, coarse dry hair and brittle ends.

It is also a wonderful conditioner for finer hair that gets weighed down easily because it smooths the cuticle and adds shine without leaving any buildup on the hair.

Dry scalp issues and dandruff? Your days are over with Infused Beauty VInegar.

To use it, I mix it with water in my ShamPHree bottles and apply it to my hair, let it sit a couple minutes, and rinse.

For the face…….

I use it as my after cleansing facial toner to refine and brighten my skin and it makes an immediate visible difference.

For the body……

I add a couple of cap fulls to my bath to sooth and revive my skin. It is great for treating skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, and itchy dry skin.

Since I perfected the recipe, this Infused Beauty Vinegar has become a staple in my overall beauty routine.

7U6A0345ShamPHree Infused Beauty Vinegar is now available in the ShamPHree shop.

I make it in small batches, so get yours today before it runs out. You will love it:)

Infused Beauty Vinegar is the first beauty remedy I am releasing from a line of 3 simple, natural ShamPHree hair lifestyle products. So stay tuned for more exclusive ShamPHree natural hair care solutions!

Get your 16 oz of natural hair and skin vitality today for $18.95 in the ShamPHree shop. #freeyourhair


xoxo, HTHG