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Blood Spiral

I am the Priestess, lover, magician, divine creatress.
I am Valkyrie – Shield maiden, the protector of the heart, the courageous walker in between worlds, the speaker of truth.
I am Pythia – Oracle in her cave. Seer of all that is.

I am birth – conception, blooming, new beginning, emergence, and outward growth. Waxing.
I am death – a return, caving, preparing, slowing inward, breaking down, composting. Waning.

I am the Spring – planting the strongest seeds at just the right time.

I am Summer – tending growth in the highest sun, connecting my roots. 

I am Fall – harvesting and preparing.

I am Winter – slowing, turning, reflecting, stillness.

I call the Matriarch home, through the spiral path of my body. This is my power to bring creativity and life far beyond reproductive conception, and to give death to all that is ready to shed. To spiral the healing both inward and outward so that it may touch everything I do.

My Spiral is my truth. And I am here to speak it into this circle, into the world at this time of great change. You are here to be initiated to do the same.

Thank you for saying YES.

The Spiral

Soon after my 3rd child was born, I started to notice Spirals everywhere. They came into my life through visions, synchronicities, and through nature. Spirals moved creatively through my hands in the form of spiral braided rag rugs, spiraling hairstyles, loaves of spiraling bread, and spiral shaped floral mandalas. It was a pattern I could not stop repeating. I was pulled towards them like a magnet.

Everywhere I looked, water, plants, seashells, the cosmos, everything seemed to have a common signature of the Spiral running through it. They were speaking to me of a universal truth, a truth that was coursing through my body begging to be spoken out loud…. The truth of the Spiral, DNA, blood, the double helix. The truth of the spiraling milky way, the spiral arteries which carry blood to the womb. The Truth of all Creation. The Matriarch.

Blood Wisdom

When my blood returned after I weaned my son, it came back with a vengeance. I could no longer cast it to the side as a nuisance. On my heaviest bleeding day, Day 2, I was unable to do much else than rest in a trance and eat meat. Anything else put me two steps behind myself, trying to catch up for the entire rest of the month ahead. I was at the mercy of my blood. It, too, was trying to tell me something about universal truth. It was time for me to listen to it, honor it and become a student of it.

I began my journey  by informing myself and reading about the Blood Cycle. I studied both modern and ancient approaches to menstruation, through biological, cultural and spiritual applications and customs. I was amazed at how much I didn’t know, and how alone I had been with my own conditioned blood ignorance.

 I was also amazed at how limited I felt by what was available in the realms of Modern Cycle Tracking at the time. They didn’t seem to quite get at the truth of what I was beginning to see – That the Blood Cycle is about so much more than hormones and fertility, ovulating and bleeding……Rather, that it defines our experience every day of the month in very different ways, like the everchanging weather. Yet there were so many predictable patterns within it. I was starting to understand that as bleeding people,  we are beyond cyclical, we are actually Spiraling. 

Blood Spiral

I embarked on what has now been 5 years of self-study to learn about Blood Wisdom, through noticing, tracking, charting, and mapping my own monthly patterns. Over time, I understood that Blood and Spirals had been coming at me at the same time for a reason.

Because the Blood Spiral needed to be born through me – as a new way of mapping ourselves, people with wombs, that sees us as Spiral Beings instead of Cyclical Beings – honoring our constant evolution with new modern ways of embodying and living the Truth. We are walking a circle through linear time, in a rapidly changing world. The Circle becomes a Spiral.


Through this journey of being a student of my own blood, my life – personally, professionally and relationally – transformed. Dynamics of power have shifted towards balance. The Matriarch has returned. Harm has been repaired in family systems and personal ecology. Friendships, bonds, and intimacy has been cultivated and tended. Relationship to earth has been re-established. Momentum has been tapped and wielded with skill. My powers to create and destroy, to give birth and give death, every month at will have been tapped into.

Knowing my own YES-s and NO-s has been clarified in radical ways. Intuition has sharpened and refined. Relationship to TIME has expanded and moved from scarcity to abundance. The wisdom I have cultivated over these years of study has become EMBODIED. Speaking truth has become more available. My purpose and professional life clarified. My daughters are informed and empowered to know and speak their own blood truth. My partner and son are living the Spiral with me. These are just some of the radical changes that have come through this work. There are so many more.



Finding, and being, in my own flow by following the wisdom of my Blood Spiral unstuck me in a HUGE way. So much so that I wrote a chapter in my book UnStuck about it. It was my favorite chapter, it felt the most potent and true to me, and the most useful to all genders of people. The premise of UnStuck is learning to get out of the grind and into the flow, and the Blood Spiral was all about finding flow in a deeply embodied and sustainable way. It is clear to me that if we all knew about The Blood Spiral and how to live it, it would be an enormous paradigm shifting, planetary level UnSticking. 

At the last minute, and to my great dismay, my editors asked me to remove the chapter on the Blood Spiral. I was at first heartbroken…. But I soon realized that they were right. It was such a potent chapter, it needed to be its own book. So I took it out of UnStuck and put it aside, knowing it was my a very potent seed for later.

Soon after publishing UnStuck, this seed of the Blood Spiral was bursting towards the light. I could not contain it. I took it out of hiding and kept working on it – building it out, elaborating, experimenting. After almost 2 years of writing, filming, editing, strategizing, practice and prayer, I have put together a vibrant and alive framework and process to guide you through your own Blood Spiral Journey so that you can step into your truth and power.

Sharing it with the world

After 5 years as the student of my own blood with meticulous notes, carefully recorded insights and a cohesive process and framework to follow, I have initiated myself to step into the role of teaching this wisdom on behalf of the great universal Spiral, by embodying and channeling the voice of Matriarch to bring this truth to the world through YOU. The seed was planted and grew through me, now it plants in you to grow through you into the world. You are here to both receive the wisdom, and to share it.

My prayer is that the Blood Spiral creates its own momentum, and can reach enough people that it marks a permanent and radical shift in the trajectory of humanity towards deep love, truth, balance, earth reverence. and repair. Through us, and through this work, the Matriarch returns to her rightful home, in our brilliant bleeding bodies.

Welcome to The Blood Spiral Mystery School