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Curtain Bangs, DIY!

7U6A2162I am on a journey of growing my hair out. This journey has lasted 20 years of my life. I have had bangs my whole life except for a short stint when I was 7 or 8. Now, my bangs are (mostly) grown out into what I like to call Curtain Bangs. It feels weird. My forehead is large and getting wrinkly and I feel like a woman, officially.

Sometimes I miss my bangs. Bangs make me feel young and fresh and style-y, most of the time. Other times my bangs make me feel like a 11 year old horse-loving pre-teen with curly bangs and stretch pants. Other times, my bangs make me feel like Prince Valliant.

My long-ish bangs got to a point a while back where they were begging me to let them join the party with the rest of my hair. Something wasn’t working anymore. I knew it was time to connect my bangs to my hair and let them get to know each other. Hello, Curtain Bangs. Let’s pretend for a second that I am Kate Moss ( I like this game.)Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 1.09.56 PM Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 1.34.12 PM

…..’My beautiful bangs are so long they sweep my eyes in such seductive and perfect ways. I am so glad to be me today!

2 weeks later………..I’m ready to reinvent myself once again! I’m getting tired of my seemingly endless teenage years. I’m over these bangs. Someone call Oscar, my hairdresser! Tell him I am ready for magic! Jeezus I need some more wine. Or………wait a minute. I bet this is an easy fix…….Surely there is something on Youtube that can help me fix my bangs myself.’

This video will show you how to turn your long bangs into Curtain Bangs. Then, you can grow them out seamlessly on your own.

Need some growing-out bang styling ideas? check out this post. Find more DIY bang videos here andin the HTHG shop.


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