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Frida Kahlo, Hair and life inspiration.

IMG_3451Frida Kahlo. The fierce, tiny woman artist from Coyocoan, Mexico who painted herself in bright colors. Screen Shot 2015-01-26 at 1.45.29 PMFrida, who’s body was disfigured in a bus accident as a child.IMG_3453 She began painting as a way to understand herself better, to tell her story.IMG_3455

She moved to San Francisco in the 1930’s with her artist husband Diego Rivera. He was a famed mural painter and a Communist.IMG_3452She painted in her North Beach studio, above the bustling cobblestone streets near the Fisherman’s Wharf. IMG_3462

Frida was sensual and expressive. She was bold an unafraid, and desperate to know herself better. She was an vibrant, complicated woman. She was an alcoholic who struggled to “….drown her sorrows, but the bastards learned to swim.”IMG_3461

Frida liked to cross-dress.Screen Shot 2015-01-26 at 12.41.33 PMShe had hairy pits. IMG_3458She had naturally curly hair, which she wore in all different styles.IMG_3457Most famously, she braided scarves and fabric into her hair and added big, bright flowers.IMG_3454

Here is a nice Frida Kahlo fabric and braids tutorial, so you can emulate her beauty. Frida is a life inspiration.

xoxo, HTHG

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