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Hi dears. In the spirit of bringing color to these dark days, I busted out my color kit this week and started mixing. Working with extension hair to practice my technique, I experimented with painting circular portals and mandala-like designs using Manic Panic color and Tinge Pastels.

As always, playing with color shoots me back into student mode… I create, I learn. The rainbow is the best teacher I have ever had. This time, we added more black into the mix, exerimenting with shadows and layering tones very intricately.

I kept finding myself irritated with the loudness of the color, it was not reflecting what I was feeling or seeing around me. It felt dissonant and grating. So, I covered everything in a cloud of dark gray and took a sigh of relief!

As I painted, I  listened to talk radio and reflected on the Bill of Rights, something I am interested in understanding better. I drank dark Coffee mixed with Chaga tea and Cacao. Twas a dark and dreamy day.

What do you do to get through the darkness of Winter?