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No-poo, round 3


Okay. My hair told me in so many words that it didn’t like it when I conditioned my ends last time. After I conditioned it, It looked and felt really nice everywhere but the ends. The ends were weird and sticky. So, I no-pooed again lightly to remove the conditioner build up. Then it felt a tiny bit dry so the next day I put coconut oil in the ends before I took a bath.

I let my hair soak in the warm bathwater to help the oil penetrate. Today, my hair looks and feels better than it ever has, ever. I can see that the no-poo method is going to be a commitment to get off the hamster wheel of any synthetic hair products. It’s going to be less of an experiment and more of a consciousness shift for HTHG.

I definitely think that using an easily absorbable oil like coconut oil, seseme oil, or shea butter on the ends when they feel dry is key.

Shampoo+conditioner=an endless cycle of not quite perfect

Baking soda+coconut oil=happy, sustainable hair homeostasis.

Can it be? Have I convinced you yet?

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