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Beauty Peddlers……?

IMG_1912Me and T are getting ready to try and Jury into the Oregon Country Fair as The Beauty Peddlers (unless we think of a better name.) We will be doing vintage and festival hair fusion with victory rolls, braids, feathers, hair chalk, and more! We are kind of making it up as we go. Our goal is to adorn the hair of festival going hippie/hipsters from all over the West Coast at this legendary forest-fair.

T and I have been friends for years and used to jokingly dream of having a mobile hair salon called ‘braids, fades, n’ mullets.’ She will be done with beauty school in 2 WEEKS!!!! I can’t wait to see what we come up with. And yes, I promise to share every bit of it;)

This little hairstyle is on Mars and I braided colored sparkly thread into her little fishtail braids and tied them at the ends with thread ‘n feathers in my ‘Not your Average feather hair extentions‘ festival hair fashion. Enjoy!


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