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#shamphree Summer Series #4. Good Hair.

I know it’s not Summer anymore. But today, we will celebrate a Summer’s worth of good hair days on HTHG. As part 4 of our ShamPHree Summer, I give you Good Hair.
Better than good hair. Great!

This Summer, we experimented with ShamPHree. We got familiar with herbs for the hair and some fantastic natural remedies to add into our ShamPHree routine. We spread the news about ShamPHree, heard some great success stories, and took some great hair photos to inspire more ShamPHree success.

Today, I give you photos of hair. ShamPHree hair. Clean, healthy, natural, beautiful hair.

What is your favorite part about your ShamPHree hair?

I love the versatility it gives me. Wild or tame for days on end. I get to choose. 7U6A1830





I also love that my daughters ShamPHree each other in the bath and they have such lovely natural hair.

Here is to good hair. No, great hair. #shamphree #freeyourhair

xoxo, HTHG

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