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10 Foods to Boost Hair Growth

10 Foods To Boost Hair Growth

Guest Post Alert. Thanks for this hair-boosting food guide, from NiceHair. xo!


Beautiful, shiny hair is an indication of good health and it’s something we all

strive for. In fact, in an increasing look-conscious world, the state of our hair

has become something of an obsession, and most women spend more than they

would choose to reveal at the hairdressers and on hair care products. So it pays

to remember that healthy-looking hair comes from within and by eating hair-

friendly foods, you can encourage strong, glossy hair growth.

Here are

10 items to include in your diet to make a difference to your hair.

1. Whole grains – if you swap white bread and pasta for wholegrain products, you’ll

be increasing your intake of iron, zinc and the B group vitamins, all of which

contribute to great hair. The added bonus is that wholegrain foods boost your

health in a multitude of other ways, too, as well as being diet friendly.

2. Nuts – nuts are nature’s tiny powerhouses of goodness! Packed with vitamins,

minerals, healthy fats and fibre, you can’t go wrong by including nuts in your

diet. In particular, Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral that helps to keep

your scalp healthy. Walnuts have a high concentration of omega 3 fatty acids –

these are the healthy oils that can keep your hair from becoming too dry. A

shortage of zinc can lead to hair-shedding, but plenty of nuts contain good levels

of this mineral, so take your pick.

3. Carrots – if you thought carrots were all about seeing in the dark, well, yes,

they’re certainly good for your eyes. But beta carotene, the pre-curser of Vitamin

A, can also help to maintain a healthy scalp.

4. Salmon – this peachy pink oily fish is the gift that keeps on giving as far as hair

is concerned. It packs protein, omega 3 fats, Vitamin B12 and good levels of iron.

All of these will benefit your hair health, and the omega 3 fatty acids in particular

will prevent an itchy and flaky scalp and dry hair.

5. Oysters – another hair helper from the sea, oysters are rich in zinc. This mineral

is responsible for their reputation as an aphrodisiac – and as a powerful

antioxidant it helps to keep your hair follicles and scalp in peak health.

6. Chicken and turkey – these white meats are fantastic sources of protein while

having the added benefit of being low in fat. At the same time, they’ll boost your

iron levels, especially if you eat them with a good source of Vitamin C which helps

the body to absorb iron.

7. Leafy greens – there’s a whole range of green leafy vegetables that are just

queuing up to add to your hair health. Kale, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, chard,

Brussels sprouts – all these contain fabulous amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

Both these vitamins are needed for your hair follicles to produce sebum, the

natural protective layer for your scalp and hair.

8. Eggs – everybody’s favourite breakfast food makes the perfect ingredient for

healthy hair. Plenty of protein, biotin and B vitamins.

9. Avocado – make your salads a whole lot more delicious and satisfying while

giving hair health a boost. Avocadoes contain plenty of B vitamins, Vitamin E and

lots of healthy fats that help to keep hair glossy.

10. Dairy foods – milk and cheese are a fabulous source of protein, particularly for

those who don’t eat meat or fish. On top of that, they’re a good source of

calcium, another factor contributing to hair health.

About Author:

NiceHair is a hair loss prevention specialist website featuring tips, tricks and advice on

hair loss prevention, interviews, healthy eating, delicious recipes as well as beauty tips,

reviews and lists of effective examples of topical hair loss treatments. For more

information please visit and get in touch.

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