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Easy Dutch Braids

7U6A3322This one goes without saying, so I won’t say too much. Dutch Braids are the hottest DIY braided hairstyle of the year. Hands down. This hairstyle is simple, adorable, and do-able. Because of its adorableness and ease, this hairstyle was a hit last month when I taught my Braiding Class at Velouria. So let’s talk about it!

Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 1.49.46 PM7U6A2006Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 1.37.03 PMScreen Shot 2013-10-28 at 1.49.29 PMDSC01200IMG_5277 ‘Dutch braids’, not to be confused with ‘dutch braiding’ (a braiding technique seen here!) is basically a hairstyle consisting of braids wrapping around the head. It is basically a hairstyle spin-off of a style worn by dutch peasant women during the turn of the century. There are many different ways of doing them, as you can see. You can french braid them, dutch braid them on short hair, and even lace braid them.

Today, we are talking about the absolute most simple version of dutch braids.

This hairstyle is best done on longish medium to long hair however it is possible on shorter hair. 

going dutch

My version of Easy Dutch Braids consists of making 1 straight braids on each side of the head. If your hair is long, the braids can start beneath each ear as you would normally wear a braid. The shorter your hair is, the higher up on the head you will want to start your Dutch Braids. For Liz’s Dutch Braids seen here, we started the braids from behind the top of each ear. Secure the braid ends with a clear elastic.

Deconstruct your braids like this.7U6A3278

Now take a braid and drape it over the top of the head. Experiment with it pulled more forward or situated farther back on the head. Go with wherever it looks and feels best on your head. If you have bangs, make sure to rock em with your Dutch Braids. It looks perfect. Use the criss-cross bobby pin technique to secure the ends of the braid against the head. Secure the braid to the head using additional pins discreetly placed if needed.

Overlap the other braid across the top of your first braid. Tuck the ends beneath your first braid and pin it in to secure it. Use additional pins if needed.

I’m sure you look fabulous with Dutch Braids, because frankly, everyone on earth does.

Here is an article about why braids are the perfect recession hairstyle. Enjoy!

xo, HTHG

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